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Starting a business from scratch doesn't have to be hard or complicated, but it does take planning and a lot of hard work.   And while having a business plan may not be the most "FUN" part of starting and running a business, it is a most necessary part.  So my question to you is how can you have a successful business if you don't have a plan.  You see, having a business plan is having a plan of action for goals and how you are going to run your business.  With that said, a good business plan should have the following elements:























  • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - This should lay out your product or service and the problem that it solves for your customer. 

  • MARKET EVALUATION - This should talk about the market you are serving.  Is it a growing market and how does your product fulfill the consumer in that market. 

  • MARKET STRATEGIES -  This determines how you plan to penetrate the market and sell your product. 

  • OPERATIONAL PLAN - This is your plan to run your business on a day to day basis.  Who are the key staff members and their specific roles.  Do you have specific goals set for them in advance. 

  • FUNDING - This is an estimate of your start up cost.  It should include the amount of funding you will need to get you through the first year. 


Needing some help in starting your business plan? Click here to get started NOW! 

Business Consultation
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